Kites and Tails

Friday, July 23, 2010

We flew a kite over the 4th of July weekend. J’s first. It was plastic, and papery sounding, nothing like the turquoise silk kite with a white dove that I remember from summers when I was a kid on Cape Cod.

But oh, it flew, and how much fun it was here, on the rocky cliffs, watching the rainbow tug away from us.

I came home determined that we should make our own, and got this funny book out of the library. I’m not sure if it is even typeset-- it’s all in courier, but it is bound. The directions are strange and eliptical, and to be honest, I haven’t tried flying the kite yet, although I’ll report back on it when we do. I’m scared too, a little, too. I really love the kite.

J asked (as always) for “fishies” so I drew those, and then, inspired by the Japanese kites we saw at this exhibit at the library, I drew in a tidal wave and (a) Mt. Fuji.

I cut away most of Mt Fuji and the wave to try and shape the kite, but I still like it. Next time, though, or when we get to Cape Cod, I might buy a cloth kite, instead.

Simple Paper Bag Kite
adapted from Kites, by Margaret Greger
butcher twine
electrical/rubberized tape
kraft paper or a paper bag
crepe paper or newspaper
2 1/4 in wooden dowels, 16 in long
crayon and markers to decorate the kite.

1. Roll out your paper or un-box the bags to lay flat, and decorate as you like

2. Cut a rounded diamond out, as per the picture, 16 in long and 8 in wide at the base. The wide point should be 10 in wide.
3. If needed, trim 1 dowel to fit lengthwise, then tape the spine on (the long dowel) the back
4. Trim the second dowel to fit width-wise, then tape the spar on (over the spine).
5. cut 4-8 long strips of the crepe or newspaper-- approximately 1 to 2 in wide, and at least 16 in long-- and crumple them up (this gives the tail body).
6. Un-crumple the strips and glue one end to the bottom of the kite, on the back.
at least 16 in long, and crumple them up to give them body.
7. With the butcher twine, cross tie the spine and spar.
8. Tie the controlling twine(leash) from the cross-tie.

1 comment:

jilly said...

Your Kite is beautiful!